Swicki search

check out the WidgetMania! swicki at eurekster.com

Friday, 16 November 2007

Toufee is a new WYSIWYG online Flash movie builder that aims to make it easy for non technical users to quickly create impressive multimedia items for embedding in web pages. Some of the key features include drag and drop element placement, good control over presentation timing and a text-to-speech engine with six relatively human voices and much more.

Here is my first movie created at Toufee it consist from three frames, two images and one video grabed from youtube.

Making Flash movies has never been this easy!

Sunday, 7 October 2007


Supernatural is a TV series at The CW Television Network, widgets are built on Clearspring platform.

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

The News Room

This widget is completely built by RSS feeds. The NewsRoom which offers this widget is the premiere online news site of Voxant, the Viral Syndication Network (VSN). VSN unlocks new markets for news organizations and advertisers around the world by helping them get their news content found, played, and paid for on the millions of Web sites and blogs that comprise the “long tail” of the Web.

This is an example of "Space News" RSS feed.

Friday, 17 August 2007

Alexa Widget

Today I setup Alexa Widget (about traffic information) on the right sidebar.

Thursday, 16 August 2007


Do you wanna read pdf documents online? It's very easy now with this Scribd widget:

Saturday, 11 August 2007

Decision Maker

At Widgetbox I found new, funny widget. Are you not sure if you’re making the right decision? Let this cool decision maker decide for you! Just give it a spin and let it decide for you whether to "PASS THE BUCK", "REORGANIZE", "SIT ON IT" or perform one of several other brilliant business maneuvers.

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Photo Cube

Another widget from nice TagWorld widget collection. Your TagWorld photos rotate as a cube sides.

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Daily Horoscope

TagWorld has a nice widget collection. Here is Daily Horoscope widget. Everybody will stop by your site to check out their horoscope! Forecasts update daily.

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Going Viral - Viralinks

I catch this somewhere, by surfing. It seems as a kind of "specialized" widget, so I decide to put it here. And, also, maybe will really spread my vibes around more than I think.
Viralink will increase your page rank and your visibility.

——— copy and paste the Viralink and instructions below this line ———

Below is a matrix of 120 stars, I have already added a link to my blog onto one of the stars, all you need to do is copy and paste the grid into your blog and add your own link to one of the other spare stars, and tell others to do the same!



When I receive a ping back once you have added the Viralink to your site I will add your link to this grid, and each person who copies the grid from here will also link to your site!

No Porn Sites
Only 1 link per person (i.e don't hog the viralink!)
Please don't tamper with other peoples url's

———copy and paste the Viralink and instructions above this line———

How It Works
Just so it is easier to see how this actually works, below is an example of the linking tree. If 3 people copied the above grid into their own browser, added their link and 3 other people copied from them these are the number of backlinks which would be received witht he centre light green circle being this page.

And if the procedure was repeated and each new person told 3 of their friends, the back links travel back to the source they were added!

And once again as word gets around and the link tree develops the number of backlinks grows greatly! So at this stage my blog would have 93 backlinks from only 4 levels of "saturation" and by level 5 your blog will also have 93 backlinks if you decide to take part.

Here are how the numbers add up, I will use the term saturation to describe the spread of the Viralink with Zero being your blog 1 being 1 link down, 2 being 2 links down and so on.

Saturation - Backlinks

0 - 0
1 - 3
2 - 12
3 - 39
4 - 93
5 - 336
6 - 1065
7 - 3252
8 - 9813
9 - 29,496
10 - 88,545

The above numbers rely on 3 people copying and pasting the Viralink onto their blog and that being replicated 3 times continuously 10 times. I think you will agree that the numbers are quite staggering, there are 119 spaces left on the Viralink from this page and I expect that there will be allot of clones which begin to pop up. The best strategy with this is to start early and tell all of your blog partners!

You may be wondering what happens if you are at the end of the chain when the Viralink is full ? What would be the benefit to me? Well there is no reason why you cant add another line of dots to the bottom and keep the process going, or even start another form scratch.

Good Luck!

Thursday, 5 July 2007

XFacts TV

Again XFacts! They have very interesting TV channel and you can watch documentaries here.

Sunday, 1 July 2007

Panjea channel

Panjea.com is a new startup where you can be a kind of internet video producer. You can easily find videos from videohosters (YouTube, etc..), create channel and publish it via embed codes everywhere you want.

This is my music channel:

Social Networking in Plain English

DotSub is one of the hottest new companies. They have an impressive solid piece of technology. They use online translation for movies and other video projects. Here is an example of movie Social Network in Plain English (you can choose between four languages, maybe now more....). This movie is also one of the best description of Social Networks:

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Online Movie Maker

Toufee is a new WYSIWYG online Flash movie builder that aims to make it easy for non technical users to quickly create impressive multimedia items for embedding in web pages. Some of the key features include drag and drop element placement, good control over presentation timing and a text-to-speech engine with six relatively human voices and much more.

Here is my first movie created at Toufee it consist from three frames, two images and one video grabed from youtube.

Making Flash movies has never been this easy!

Bzzster Links

At Bzzster you can send links to friends as you browse the web. It's pretty simple: when you find a page you want to recommend, click the Bzzster bookmarklet, the Bzzster "send to a friend" page appears, fill it out, hit submit, and you'll be taken back to the web page you were on.

Well, Bzzster offer widget also - you can create widget from your recommended links. I put it on a right sidebar.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Virtual Earth

Virtual Earth from XFacts. You can choose between Google Maps, Microsoft VE aerial and labels and Yahoo Maps. Incredible! In second you have complete world in your blog!

Monday, 11 June 2007

BuzzFeed Widget

BuzzFeed slogan is: Find Your New Favorite Thing! They use technology and human editors to find the hottest buzz on the web. Each weekday, they publish ten stories that highlighting the best stuff emerging from the Internet popularity contest. They use a combination of techniques to detect buzz, including a web crawler that checks over 50,000 sites daily, a trend detector that looks for accelerating buzz, a click tracker to measure reader response to stories, and a special terminal interface operated by BuzzFeed's human editors. You can use their widget or their badge.

Widget setup is quick and very intuitive. Result after two minutes (including registration)is on the top of the right sidebar.

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Back to Amazon!

You can easily create aStore as Amazon affiliate. There's a various ways to promote your aStore: widget, banners, text links, etc. Here's an example of Amazon aStore widget:

Saturday, 9 June 2007


bLaugh widget allows anyone to easily get this widget onto their own site or profile page. There are currently 11 pre-defined site options (no more hand coding) and email or the embed code. The widget is now powered by Clearspring.

Sunday, 3 June 2007

RSS YourMinis widget

For more widgets please visit www.yourminis.com

The RSS widget lets you add your own RSS feeds. Simply select the widget, type in a title and a URL for the RSS feed to see content for that feed. You can also configure title or description view, change the font, size, mark as read and more through the edit drop down menu. Additionally you can set up multiple RSS widgets and then apply the properties of one widget to all of them.

Wednesday, 30 May 2007


I join Feedburner to burn feeds and found tool, hah, widget toolbox called SpringWidgets, where you can make "ExpressWidget" by yourself. And I created widget of one of my Revver Channels: Blood and Sweet of rock'n'roll.

Well, I don't finished it, there were some errors in customisation (seems that problem is in MRSS feed format, SpringWidgets accept only RSS, ATOM, OPML, RDF, MP3 Podcast, FLV Podcast). Anyway, I created more than this one - I tried also my Magnify channels, check Battlestar Galactica, or Live music performances or Beavis and Butthead on net. Hey, these are widgets, you can copy them to your PC desktop or embed code to your web page.

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Swicki search

Swicki Search Engine is a fresh, new, search engine, which learns from community search behavior, aka community powered search. You can create deep, focused searches on topics you are interested. Swicki, can be published on your site.

I created one swicki widget and put it above. It is focused on widgets. He, he, maybe you expect something else?

Saturday, 26 May 2007


The Veoh widget allows you to view videos from Veoh. After selecting the widget, click on the edit drop down to select a the search criteria that is available - including searches for Videos, Channels, Series and Collections - and you will immediately see results the correspond to your selections. You can then type in a new search phrase to see videos for that search item.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

YourMinis - Brightcove

Through surfing I found a site YourMinis, which is completely "widgetized". It means that it is Web 2.0 site, offer personalisation, own widget creation, etc...finally they wins SEOmoz Web 2.0 2007 widget category. So I start to create widgets there, this Brightove Underground Music TV channel is my first attempt.

For more widgets please visit www.yourminis.com

Wednesday, 16 May 2007


I recently joined in SplashCast. The SplashCast service enables anyone to create streaming media ‘channels’ that mix together video, music, photos, narration, text, as well as RSS feeds, PowerPoint presentations and PDF documents. These user-generated channels can be played and easily syndicated on any web site, blog, or social network page via embedable player. So, here's the SplashCast Ilbiscom channel I created by my old videos located at YouTube.

Sunday, 13 May 2007


I joined Vod:Pod, videosharing site where you can collect videos from many videohosters (YouTube, GoogleVideo, DailyMotion, etc..). I created playlist from my old music videos, because they offer widgets created from your's playlists. Here's the result. Nice.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Universal VideoSearch

Universal Videosearch is great PageFlakes video widget. You can find videos from virtually all video sites on the Web! Searches popular sites such as YouTube, Google Video, Revver, Metacafe, Daily Motion, Grouper and others, including broadcast network sites.

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Last.FM Radio

On side bar I put audiowidget Top10 Albums listened from Last.FM.

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Rock'n'roll TV

Rock'n'roll TV. This is Pyro.TV channel, hosted by Share Ross. Covering indie music, indie videos, indie films and anything vaguely related to rock n roll and hollywood. Underground style!

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Valli Girls

I joined in Dave.TV This channel is embed from there, it's about Valli Girls, pop girlie band.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

White Stripes

Video widget by Bolt.

Get video codes at Bolt.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Slide show

Slide show widget from Slide. Cause this site is Music Widget site, there are musicians in action.

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Metacaffe Reggae Music

PageFlakes is very interesting widgets site. Check out this Metacaffe video widget:

Sunday, 22 April 2007


Most watched live music channel this week.

Sunday, 15 April 2007


Great punk legends, videos by Epitaph records.

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Revver video widget

Today I put Revver video widget in sidebar, as you can see. The widget is my rock'n'rol coolection of live music. Complete collection is also here.
I would like to put horizontal revver video widget into blog post. But how???
Ha, almost the same as the widget in the sidebar. I change widget from sidebar to main content above the blog posts.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Music Widget box

I found widget from Box.net and put it on sidebar. Cool. It allows upload of files there, so I upload some live mp3s and few images.

Sunday, 8 April 2007


I'm just tested new, channel widget by Blink X. Here's the result.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007


The Robocop Kraus videos by Epitaph Records (in Magnify.Net widget).

Monday, 2 April 2007



Great man, great band & great label.

Sunday, 1 April 2007


Epitaph Records band, Dropkick Murphys.


Bad Religion by Epitaph Records, widgetized. (This is a playlist at EpitaphRecords Channel).

Saturday, 31 March 2007

Music Widgets started!

Hello, Music Widgets started! I'll try to find some interesting widgets to present mostly videos and other stuff related to music.